Gas Chromatography & Mass Spectrometry



The Bruker MM2 is a mobile mass spectrometer for the military. Detect organic chemicals in any medium, with flexible accessories.


  • Lightweight, portable high performance detector
  • Mobile or static detection
  • Easy vehicle mounting
  • No bottled gas or complex consumables


  • Identify organic chemicals and CWA
  • Test soil, water or air
  • ColPro vehicles

Identify Organic Chemicals

Detect and identify organic chemicals in any medium (soil, water or air). Thousands of substances can be identified, and new libraries can be created at any time to add chemicals as you need to. Because of its specificity, mass spectrometry is the technology of choice for identifying unknown chemical compounds, especially when combined with GC system modules.

Highly Sensitive

Detection limits for volatile organic compounds and agents are in the low ppb and low ppm range. Sensitivity depends on the measurement technique, e.g. adsorbent enrichment (low ppb range) or on-line monitoring (very low ppm range) from ambient air.

Vehicle Installation

The unit is rugged, lightweight and mobile, and can be mounted on various types of vehicles.

For example, on ColPro (Collective Protection) vehicles, the crew do not have to leave the vehicle to take samples. Using an external heated air/ surface probe, air samples are drawn into the MM2 continuously.

A similar arrangement is used to test soil outside the vehicle, using a double wheel assembly. One of the wheels runs along the ground, accumulating samples. Periodically the wheel is raised and brought into contact with a heated probe, to analyse the vapour. As one wheel raises, the other is lowered, for uninterrupted terrain monitoring. This set-up is ideal for detecting persistent toxic chemicals such as VX.

Mass Spectrometry for the Military

The MM2 represents a new generation of quadrupole mass spectrometers. The technology has been optimised for military use, with an innovative vacuum system for a smaller size and lower power consumption. There is no need for gas cylinders, making it ideal for use in remote areas.

A range of practical accessories is available for all detection tasks, including surface probes and gas chromatographs with thermodesorption.

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